Job Summary
Altero is a FinTech platform operating in the Baltics that automates lending and insurance offerings. The platform integrates multiple lenders and insurers, providing quick comparison services to customers. With over 500,000 clients served and €500M in loans facilitated, they're seeking a senior PHP developer to maintain and enhance their loan comparison platform. The role involves both frontend and backend development, with a focus on API integrations and partner synchronization solutions.
How to Succeed
- Research thoroughly about lending platforms and financial technology integrations
- Prepare examples of your experience with multi-partner API integrations
- Be ready to discuss security measures in financial applications
- Showcase your experience with high-traffic platforms
- Prepare examples of how you've handled data synchronization between different systems
- Be ready to discuss both technical solutions and business impact
- Have concrete examples of optimization techniques you've implemented
Table of Contents
API Development & Integration in Financial Systems 7 Questions
Critical for connecting multiple lenders and maintaining secure data flow between financial institutions. Core to Altero's business model of loan comparison and processing.
I would implement a token bucket algorithm using Redis for distributed rate limiting:
class RateLimiter
private Redis $redis;
private string $key;
public function checkLimit(string $clientId, int $limit, int $window): bool
$key = "rate:{$clientId}";
$current = $this->redis->get($key);
if (!$current) {
$this->redis->setex($key, $window, 1);
return true;
if ($current >= $limit) {
return false;
return true;
This implementation would be crucial for Altero's platform to prevent API abuse while serving 500,000+ clients across Baltic markets.
OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework, while JWT is a token format. In Altero's context:
OAuth 2.0:
- Use for third-party lender authentication
- Managing client credentials for different financial institutions
- Handling authorization flows
- Storing user session information
- Passing authenticated user claims between services
- Stateless authentication for internal microservices
Example JWT implementation:
class JwtAuthenticator
public function generateToken(array $claims): string
return JWT::encode([
'sub' => $claims['user_id'],
'role' => $claims['role'],
'exp' => time() + 3600,
'iat' => time(),
], getenv('JWT_SECRET'));
For Altero's platform connecting multiple lenders, I would implement URI versioning:
# routes/api.php
Route::prefix('api/v1')->group(function () {
Route::get('/lenders/{lender}/offers', [OfferController::class, 'index']);
Route::prefix('api/v2')->group(function () {
Route::get('/lenders/{lender}/offers', [OfferControllerV2::class, 'index']);
Key considerations:
- Maintain backward compatibility
- Document changes between versions
- Use semantic versioning
- Implement version sunset policies
- Support at least two versions simultaneously
For Altero's loan comparison platform, I would implement:
- Circuit Breaker Pattern:
class CircuitBreaker
private Redis $redis;
private int $threshold = 5;
private int $timeout = 60;
public function execute(callable $operation)
if ($this->isOpen()) {
throw new CircuitBreakerOpenException();
try {
return $operation();
} catch (TimeoutException $e) {
throw $e;
- Implement retry mechanisms with exponential backoff
- Use RabbitMQ for async processing of long-running operations
- Set appropriate timeout values for different types of operations
- Implement fallback mechanisms for critical operations
For Altero's loan comparison functionality:
class LoanOffersController
public function getOffers(Request $request): JsonResponse
return Cache::remember("offers:{$request->criteria}", 300, function () {
return $this->lenderService->aggregateOffers(
fn() => $this->fetchLenderAOffers(),
fn() => $this->fetchLenderBOffers(),
Key implementations:
- Parallel processing using Swoole/RoadRunner
- Redis caching for frequently accessed data
- Queue background updates for non-real-time data
- Implement circuit breakers for each lender
- Use event-driven architecture for real-time updates
For Altero's financial transactions:
class IdempotentTransaction
public function execute(string $idempotencyKey, callable $operation)
return DB::transaction(function () use ($idempotencyKey, $operation) {
$lock = Lock::get("transaction:{$idempotencyKey}");
if ($existing = $this->findExistingTransaction($idempotencyKey)) {
return $existing;
$result = $operation();
$this->storeTransaction($idempotencyKey, $result);
return $result;
Implementation includes:
- Unique idempotency keys
- Distributed locking
- Transaction logging
- Response caching
- Explicit expiration policies
For Altero's financial platform:
- Implementation of security headers:
class SecurityMiddleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$response = $next($request);
return $response->withHeaders([
'Strict-Transport-Security' => 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains',
'Content-Security-Policy' => "default-src 'self'",
'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff',
'X-Frame-Options' => 'DENY'
- Additional measures:
- SSL/TLS encryption (minimum TLS 1.2)
- OAuth 2.0 with refresh tokens
- Rate limiting
- Request signing
- Input validation and sanitization
- Audit logging
- IP whitelisting for partner institutions
- Regular security audits
Queue Systems and Asynchronous Processing 6 Questions
Essential for handling high-volume loan applications and maintaining system responsiveness while processing multiple lender integrations.
I would implement a retry mechanism using the following approach:
- Set up a main queue for loan applications and a retry queue
- Implement x-dead-letter-exchange and x-dead-letter-routing-key arguments
- Use message headers to track retry count:
$properties = [
'delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,
'application_headers' => new AMQPTable([
'x-retry-count' => 0
$channel->basic_publish($message, 'loan_exchange', 'loan_applications', true, false, $properties);
- When processing fails, check retry count:
if ($retryCount < $maxRetries) {
$headers['x-retry-count'] = $retryCount + 1;
// Republish with exponential backoff
$delay = pow(2, $retryCount) * 1000; // milliseconds
// Publish to delay queue
} else {
// Move to dead letter queue for manual review
This ensures failed loan applications are retried with exponential backoff, crucial for handling temporary issues with lender integrations.
The three exchange types serve different routing purposes:
- Direct Exchange:
- Messages are routed based on exact matching routing key
- Ideal for direct lender-specific queues
$channel->exchange_declare('lender_exchange', 'direct');
$channel->queue_bind($queueName, 'lender_exchange', 'lender.latvian_bank');
- Fanout Exchange:
- Broadcasts messages to all bound queues
- Perfect for notifications to all lenders
$channel->exchange_declare('broadcast_exchange', 'fanout');
// All bound queues receive the message
- Topic Exchange:
- Routes messages based on wildcard patterns
- Useful for regional or product-based routing
$channel->exchange_declare('regional_exchange', 'topic');
// Routes like 'latvia.personal_loans.*' or 'estonia.#'
For Altero's platform, I'd use direct exchange for specific lender integrations, fanout for system-wide updates, and topic for region-specific processing (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia markets).
For a loan processing system, I would implement DLQ handling as follows:
- Configure Dead Letter Exchange:
$channel->exchange_declare('dlx_exchange', 'direct');
$channel->queue_declare('dead_letter_queue', false, true, false, false, false, new AMQPTable([
'x-dead-letter-exchange' => 'dlx_exchange',
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' => 'failed_loans'
- Implement message tracking:
class DeadLetterHandler {
public function processFailedMessage(AMQPMessage $message) {
$headers = $message->get('application_headers');
$failureReason = $headers->get('x-death')[0]['reason'];
// Log failure for monitoring
$this->logger->error('Loan application failed', [
'reason' => $failureReason,
'loan_id' => $message->get('loan_id'),
'lender' => $message->get('lender')
// Store in database for manual review
- Implement monitoring and alerting for DLQ size and patterns
- Create an admin interface for manual review and reprocessing
This ensures no loan applications are lost and provides visibility into integration issues with different lenders.
For Altero's platform handling 500,000+ clients, I would implement these scaling strategies:
- Clustering:
// Configure multiple nodes
$connection = new AMQPStreamConnection([
['host' => 'rabbit1', 'port' => 5672],
['host' => 'rabbit2', 'port' => 5672]
], $credentials);
- Queue Sharding:
// Implement consistent hashing for queue distribution
$shardKey = crc32($loanApplication->getLenderId()) % $totalShards;
$queueName = "loans.shard_{$shardKey}";
- Message Batching:
$channel->batch_basic_publish($message1, 'exchange', 'routing_key');
$channel->batch_basic_publish($message2, 'exchange', 'routing_key');
- Consumer Scaling:
// Implement worker pools
$channel->basic_qos(null, 100, false); // Prefetch count
- Performance Monitoring:
$channel->set_qos(0, 1000, true); // Global QoS settings
This ensures the system can handle peak loads across multiple markets (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) efficiently.
For Altero's loan comparison platform, I would implement priority queuing as follows:
- Define Priority Queues:
$channel->queue_declare('high_priority_loans', false, true, false, false, false, new AMQPTable([
'x-max-priority' => 10
- Message Priority Assignment:
class LoanPriorityService {
public function assignPriority(LoanApplication $application): int {
return match($application->getType()) {
'premium_client' => 10,
'returning_client' => 8,
'high_value_loan' => 7,
'standard' => 5
// Publishing with priority
$properties = [
'priority' => $priorityService->assignPriority($application)
$channel->basic_publish($message, 'loan_exchange', 'loans', true, false, $properties);
- Consumer Implementation:
$callback = function($msg) {
$priority = $msg->get('priority');
// Process based on priority
$channel->basic_consume('high_priority_loans', '', false, false, false, false, $callback);
This ensures important loan applications (like high-value loans or premium clients) are processed first.
For a financial system like Altero's platform, message persistence is crucial. Here's how I would implement it:
- Exchange Declaration:
$channel->exchange_declare('loan_exchange', 'direct', false, true, false);
// durable = true ensures exchange survives broker restart
- Queue Declaration:
$channel->queue_declare('loan_applications', false, true, false, false);
// durable = true for queue persistence
- Message Publishing:
$msg = new AMQPMessage(
'loan_id' => $id,
'amount' => $amount,
'lender' => $lender
'delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,
'content_type' => 'application/json',
'timestamp' => time()
- Consumer Acknowledgments:
$callback = function($msg) {
try {
$msg->ack(); // Explicit acknowledgment
} catch (Exception $e) {
$msg->nack(false, true); // Requeue on failure
$channel->basic_consume('loan_applications', '', false, false, false, false, $callback);
This ensures no loan applications are lost during system failures or broker restarts, which is critical for maintaining the integrity of financial transactions.
Database Optimization and Performance 6 Questions
Crucial for maintaining fast response times and handling large volumes of loan applications and financial data.
For loan application reporting in a system like Altero that handles 500,000+ clients, I would implement the following optimizations:
- Use EXPLAIN to analyze query execution plan
- Implement proper indexing on join conditions and WHERE clauses
- Consider these specific optimizations:
- Use JOIN instead of subqueries where possible
- Implement covering indexes for frequently used columns
- Use FORCE INDEX when needed to override MySQL's choice
- Example of an optimized query:
FROM loan_applications la
FORCE INDEX (idx_status_date)
JOIN clients c ON la.client_id =
JOIN lender_offers l ON = l.application_id
WHERE la.status = 'pending'
AND la.created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)
- Consider partitioning tables by date range for historical data
For a financial platform handling €500M+ in loans, efficient indexing is crucial:
- Implement compound indexes based on query patterns:
CREATE INDEX idx_loan_status_date ON loans(status, created_at);
CREATE INDEX idx_client_region ON clients(country_code, city);
- Use covering indexes for frequently accessed data:
- Include all columns needed by common queries
- Avoid over-indexing to maintain write performance
- Specific strategies:
- Hash indexes for exact matches (e.g., loan IDs)
- B-tree indexes for range queries (e.g., date ranges)
- Partial indexes for specific conditions
- Regular maintenance:
- Monitor index usage with performance_schema
- Remove unused indexes
- Regularly update statistics
For Altero's multi-country operation (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), I would implement:
- Geographic-based sharding:
class DatabaseShardManager {
private function determineShardKey(string $country): string {
return match($country) {
'LV' => 'shard_latvia',
'LT' => 'shard_lithuania',
'EE' => 'shard_estonia',
default => throw new InvalidCountryException()
- Implement consistent hashing for load distribution
- Use a master database for cross-shard queries
- Maintain shared lookup tables for common data
- Consider using ProxySQL for routing queries
- Implement cross-shard transaction handling using:
- Two-phase commit protocol
- Eventual consistency where appropriate
For managing multiple lender integrations:
- Implement Event Sourcing:
class LoanApplicationEvent {
private DateTime $timestamp;
private string $lenderId;
private string $eventType;
private array $payload;
public function recordEvent(string $type, array $data): void {
// Record event to event store
Use RabbitMQ (mentioned in requirements) for:
- Async processing of lender responses
- Message queuing for retry mechanisms
- Dead letter queues for failed integrations
- Idempotency keys for all operations
- Distributed transactions where necessary
- Status reconciliation jobs
For a high-traffic financial platform:
- Implement Redis for:
class CacheService {
public function getCachedLenderOffers(string $region): array {
$key = "lender_offers:{$region}";
return $this->redis->get($key) ?? $this->fetchAndCacheLenderOffers($region);
Multi-level caching strategy:
- L1: Application cache (APCu)
- L2: Redis for distributed caching
- L3: Database
Cache invalidation strategies:
- Time-based for rate information
- Event-based for lender updates
- Region-based cache segments
For a system processing multiple loan applications simultaneously:
- Implement retry mechanism:
class TransactionManager {
public function executeWithRetry(callable $transaction, int $maxRetries = 3): mixed {
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxRetries; $i++) {
try {
return $transaction();
} catch (DeadlockException $e) {
if ($i === $maxRetries - 1) throw $e;
usleep(random_int(100000, 300000)); // Random backoff
Deadlock prevention:
- Consistent order of table access
- Shorter transaction times
- Row-level locking where possible
- Using NOWAIT or SKIP LOCKED options
- Log deadlock incidents
- Alert on frequent occurrences
- Regular analysis of deadlock patterns
Architecture Patterns in Financial Systems 6 Questions
Fundamental for building maintainable, scalable, and secure financial platforms.
I would implement the Repository pattern to abstract the data layer for loan comparisons like this:
interface LoanRepositoryInterface {
public function findByCustomerCriteria(CustomerCriteria $criteria): Collection;
public function findBestOffers(array $parameters): Collection;
public function getLendersByMarket(string $market): Collection;
class MysqlLoanRepository implements LoanRepositoryInterface {
private PDO $connection;
public function findByCustomerCriteria(CustomerCriteria $criteria): Collection {
// Implementation for MySQL
public function findBestOffers(array $parameters): Collection {
// Complex queries to find best matching offers across lenders
public function getLendersByMarket(string $market): Collection {
// Get lenders for specific Baltic market (LV, LT, EE)
This pattern would help maintain clean separation between business logic and data access, especially important when working with multiple lenders across Baltic markets.
The Strategy pattern would be perfect for handling different loan calculation methods across various lenders:
interface LoanCalculationStrategy {
public function calculateMonthlyPayment(float $amount, float $interest, int $term): float;
class AnnuityLoanCalculator implements LoanCalculationStrategy {
public function calculateMonthlyPayment(float $amount, float $interest, int $term): float {
// Annuity calculation logic
class LinearLoanCalculator implements LoanCalculationStrategy {
public function calculateMonthlyPayment(float $amount, float $interest, int $term): float {
// Linear calculation logic
class LoanCalculationService {
private LoanCalculationStrategy $strategy;
public function setStrategy(LoanCalculationStrategy $strategy): void {
$this->strategy = $strategy;
public function calculatePayment(float $amount, float $interest, int $term): float {
return $this->strategy->calculateMonthlyPayment($amount, $interest, $term);
This would allow flexible switching between different calculation methods based on lender requirements or market specifics.
For Altero's reporting system, I would implement CQRS like this:
// Command side
class CreateLoanApplication {
public function execute(LoanApplicationData $data): void {
// Write to main database
// Query side
class LoanReportQuery {
private ReadOnlyConnection $readConnection;
public function getMarketStatistics(string $market): array {
// Read from optimized read replica
return $this->readConnection->query(
"SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(amount) FROM loan_applications
WHERE market = :market
GROUP BY status",
['market' => $market]
// Event handler to sync data
class LoanApplicationCreatedHandler {
public function handle(LoanApplicationCreatedEvent $event): void {
// Update read model using RabbitMQ for async processing
This separation would be particularly useful for generating the required business unit reports while maintaining system performance.
For loan status updates across the platform, I would implement the Observer pattern like this:
interface LoanStatusObserver {
public function onStatusUpdate(LoanApplication $application, string $newStatus): void;
class LoanApplication implements SplSubject {
private array $observers = [];
private string $status;
public function attach(LoanStatusObserver $observer): void {
$this->observers[] = $observer;
public function updateStatus(string $newStatus): void {
$this->status = $newStatus;
foreach ($this->observers as $observer) {
$observer->onStatusUpdate($this, $newStatus);
class NotificationService implements LoanStatusObserver {
public function onStatusUpdate(LoanApplication $application, string $newStatus): void {
// Send notifications to customer
class LenderUpdateService implements LoanStatusObserver {
public function onStatusUpdate(LoanApplication $application, string $newStatus): void {
// Update lender through API
This would ensure all necessary parties (customer, lender, internal systems) are notified of status changes automatically.
I would implement the Factory pattern for loan products considering the multi-market nature of Altero:
interface LoanProduct {
public function calculateTerms(): array;
public function getRequirements(): array;
class PersonalLoan implements LoanProduct {
private string $market; // LV, LT, or EE
public function __construct(string $market) {
$this->market = $market;
// Implementation
class BusinessLoan implements LoanProduct {
// Implementation
class LoanProductFactory {
public function createLoan(string $type, string $market): LoanProduct {
return match($type) {
'personal' => new PersonalLoan($market),
'business' => new BusinessLoan($market),
default => throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown loan type')
This would allow for easy expansion when adding new loan types or entering new markets.
For Altero's lending platform, I would organize the codebase using DDD principles like this:
// Domain Layer
namespace Domain\LoanApplication {
class LoanApplication {
private ApplicationStatus $status;
private Money $requestedAmount;
private Collection $offers;
public function submitToLenders(): void {
// Domain logic
// Application Layer
namespace Application\Service {
class LoanApplicationService {
private LoanApplicationRepository $repository;
private LenderIntegrationService $lenderService;
public function processApplication(ApplicationDTO $dto): void {
// Application orchestration
// Infrastructure Layer
namespace Infrastructure\Persistence {
class DoctrineApplicationRepository implements LoanApplicationRepository {
// Implementation
// API Layer
namespace Api\Controller {
class LoanApplicationController {
public function submit(Request $request): Response {
// API endpoint logic
This structure would support the complex business rules of loan comparison while maintaining clean separation of concerns and making the system easier to maintain and scale across different Baltic markets.
Security and Compliance in FinTech 6 Questions
Critical for protecting sensitive financial data and maintaining regulatory compliance.
For a FinTech platform handling sensitive loan data across Baltic states, I would implement:
- At-rest encryption:
- Use AES-256-GCM encryption for stored data
- Utilize PHP's sodium_crypto_* functions for modern encryption
- Store encryption keys in a separate secure location (AWS KMS or HashiCorp Vault)
- In-transit encryption:
- Enforce TLS 1.3 for all API communications with lenders
- Implement perfect forward secrecy
- Use strong cipher suites
Example implementation:
class DataEncryption {
public function encrypt(string $sensitiveData): string {
$key = $this->getEncryptionKey();
$cipher = sodium_crypto_secretbox(
return base64_encode($nonce . $cipher);
Working with MySQL in a loan comparison platform, I would implement:
- Prepared Statements:
public function getLoanApplications(int $userId): array {
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM loan_applications WHERE user_id = :userId"
$stmt->bindParam(':userId', $userId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- Input Validation:
- Use Symfony/Laravel validation components
- Implement type hinting
- Use strict_types declaration
- ORM Usage:
- Utilize Doctrine/Eloquent for safe database operations
- Implement Repository pattern for data access abstraction
For a platform handling 500+ million EUR in loans, I would implement:
- Event-based logging system using RabbitMQ:
class AuditLogger {
public function logFinancialOperation(
string $operation,
array $data,
string $userId
): void {
'operation' => $operation,
'data' => $data,
'user_id' => $userId,
'timestamp' => new DateTime(),
'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'market' => $this->getCurrentMarket() // LV/LT/EE
- Structured logging with:
- Operation type
- Timestamp
- User ID
- IP address
- Market identifier (Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia)
- Before/After states
- Status/Result
For a Baltic FinTech platform, I would implement:
- Data Management:
class PersonalDataManager {
public function handleRightToBeForgotten(int $userId): void {
- Key Features:
- Right to access/export data
- Right to be forgotten
- Data minimization
- Explicit consent tracking
- Data processing agreements with lenders
- Cross-border data transfer compliance (EU/Baltic states)
- Technical Implementation:
- Data encryption
- Audit trails
- Automated data retention policies
- Geographic data storage constraints
For an API handling multiple lender integrations:
- Authentication & Authorization:
class ApiSecurityMiddleware {
public function handle(Request $request): Response {
if (!$this->validateApiKey($request)) {
return new Response('Unauthorized', 401);
if (!$this->rateLimitCheck($request)) {
return new Response('Too Many Requests', 429);
return $next($request);
- Security Measures:
- OAuth 2.0 / JWT authentication
- Rate limiting
- IP whitelisting for lender APIs
- Request signing
- HTTPS enforcement
- API versioning
- Request/Response validation
For the loan comparison platform's frontend:
- Output Encoding:
class OutputSanitizer {
public function sanitize(string $input): string {
return htmlspecialchars($input, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
- Security Headers:
header("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'");
header("X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block");
header("X-Frame-Options: DENY");
- Additional Measures:
- Input validation
- CSRF tokens
- Modern framework security features (Symfony/Laravel)
- Regular security audits
- Cookie security (HttpOnly, Secure flags)